Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update Changes In-Game Rewards And Progression - BrickNewz

Monday, 4 December 2017

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update Changes In-Game Rewards And Progression

EA and DICE are rolling out changes to Star Wars Battlefront 2's progression and in-game economy systems, as promised just before the launch. The update went live today and includes various adjustments to the economy, altering the amount of credits that players win in various modes.

Currently microtransactions remain disabled, but the biggest complaint among fans has been that the game is too slow, and that the performance of the player factors in very little. All players are going to receive more Credits at the end of the match.

Additionally, DICE has increased the Credit cap for the Arcade mode, and as a result you can earn up to 1500 daily Credits, three times as many as before. The most successful players will especially see bigger buffs in credit drops thanks to the end-of-round payout increase. Increasing the amount of crafting parts obtained from daily login crates will also help players to make more Star Cards. This will be useful for those who want to progress further and faster, as the Star Cards are the necessary components to promote your characters, abilities and weapons.

We are expecting more changes to Battlefront 2's economy and progression, but this one can be marked as a "one of the bigger changes".

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